Monday, February 21, 2011

Composition 1: はる安み





二月二十一日 ゴンザレスさん

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Communication

To me, "communication" is the process of interacting with others and sharing different thoughts and ideas. It doesn't solely involve in person conversations or written forms of communication. Ideas can also be transmitted through other means such as body language or alternate media, which is what we are trying to accomplish with our podcast project.

The purpose of the podcast assignment for my Japanese class is to find an idea or theme that we want to communicate or share with others. With the podcast, we're supposed to learn the different elements that will make communication through visual media both interesting and informative. For the audience, it should be learning through entertainment. But definitely we need to find a way to make communication of an idea via podcast both fun and effective.

There are lots of other things that I'll probably learn through this podcast project. Such as how to write a script that is entertaining for the viewer while still getting the right point across. For my particular project, I'll be learning about the differences between American and Japanese cultures. I'll also be learning about how to work together with a group to make the best podcast ever!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011





「ナンシードル」(Nancy Drew)ははじめだいすきなほんでした。それから、「ハリーポター」(Harry Potter)がいちばんいいでした。いま、Orson Scott Cardのほんの「Ender's Game」がだいすきです。




バジニアからきましたから、ニューヨークのなかでいろいろなところを見たいです。たくさんおもしろいものができて、みられます。「Times Square」へりょこうがすきです。さいきん、かれと「FAO Schwartz」へいきました。