Friday, September 24, 2010

Bones, Fringe, and Fashion


Fringe was on てれびきのう ごぜんくじ! わたしのともだちは invited me over to かのじょのへや to watch it on かのじゃのてれび。Season premiere です。I have to say that it wasn't as good as I was expected, especially after the amazing finale last season. It was still good, but not quite as awesome as it could have been. But I have high hopes for a great season, because Fringe rocks and it can't be anything other than great!


Bones was also on てれびきのう。I haven't been able to watch it yet - it was on while わたしは はたらきました。But I will be watching it later today! So excited. =)


Okay, last note -
きょうMayersohnさんは and わたしは are going to the Fashion Institute of Technology. There's an exhibit at the はくぶつかん there showcasing にほんのfashion! It promises to be really fun...and, of course, educational about にほんのculture. Maybe わたしのにほんごのclass should take a field trip to go see it?



  1. はい、わたしたちははくぶつかんにきょういきました。 It was really cool!

    And すみません, I don't watch テレビ, so I cannot comment lol.

    ろくじごふんです。 Just letting you know :D. Gotta go!

    - Ben M.

  2. ちがいます! Your clock is in the wrong time zone lol.

  3. That all sounds super fun! As for the Fashion Institute thing, is it too late to go? いきましょう!I've never seen Bones or Fringe, but I have friends who love those shows.

  4. おはよう ございます!わたしは ピカード です。 ノトルダムだいがく の いちねんせい です。 どうぞ よろしく!
    the Officeをみますか?

  5. はじめ まして。 ホンです。 わたしも ノトルダムだいがくのいちねんせいです。 よろしく。 Fashion Instituteに いきましたか? Have you gone there yet? How was it? I love Japanese fashion, especially Elegant Lolita style, but Visual Kei is interesting to look at. Could you take pictures?

  6. Lauren: The Fashion Institute exhibit is open until January 8th!

    ピカードさん:はい、The Officeをみます。It's such a good show! I also like 30 Rock. あなたもみますか?

    ホンさん:はい、くがつにじゅうしにちにいきました。It was really cool! they contrasted the style when European styles were just being introduced (aka - uber conservative) with Gothic Punk Lolita and some awesome menswear, among other things. We weren't allowed to take any pictures, sadly.

  7. わたしも テレビを みます。but I prefer sitcoms :) like the big bang theory and two and half man.

  8. I know I commented on this before!! I know it!!! GAH! I said "Yes we should take a field trip" i'm putting it on my comment sheet...

  9. Fringe は the bombsauce ですよ。
